You desire to collapse timelines to a sustainable multiple six and seven figure creative legacy, receiving BIG money in your business from peace, ease, satisfaction, and delight.

You know that being at the center of your strengths, zone of genius and point of difference is the secret sauce to co-creating the spaciousness & overflow that motivated you to start your business in the first place.

You want a business with ample breathing room. One that is deliciously (and predictably) profitable and resonant with the impact and legacy you're here to create.

You are craving something unique and outside of the typical bro-marketing box...a profound journey of self-mastery, through the language of Human Design & Astrology alongside a community of epic legends.

You're here for fucking magic and to receive with motherfooking ease.

In order to manifest this into reality, though, you must be wise about the conditioning that influences you in your business so you can more deeply embody your uniqueness, trust your inner authority and make body-led decisions so that you can step into your hot, healed, rich AF creator era.

Ultimately you desire:

  • Taking a relational approach with the ecosystem of your business and the landscape of your nervous system and body so that you have a healthy, interdependent relationship.

  • Optimizing your energy and making decisions that are in congruence with your strengths, zone of genius and true potential so that you have an efficient and profitable business model

  • Connecting the dots of your human design so you have the full picture of how to be at the center of your differentiation so that you can be the living, breathing embodiment of your true nature

  • A sustainable, intentional business rooted in your values & authenticity so that you can create year on year growth

  • Deep self-exploration and a profound understanding of yourself so that you can rise in your leadership 

  • Working smarter not harder by leveraging your unique talents so that you can do less and receive more

  • Deconditioning and aligning with your true self so that you can create an unreasonable and extraordinary lick-able life

  • Creating a profit paradigm that is luscious, predictable and easeful so that you can have more time to nap, read books, surf and just be

  • Integrating Human Design & Astrology into your own business for greater customization and impact in your services

  • Deepening your embodiment of your Human Design & Astrology

In order to do this, you need to put down chasing the latest "this is exactly how to get to 7 figures" strategy and commit to something becoming aware of the habits...

........that are hijacking your results and actively deconditioning these behaviors…so that you can finally stop looking outside yourself for the answers.

The essence of your work is inviting you into deeper embodiment of your true nature

You aren’t looking for another “course” on buyer types because let's be honest, you don’t really have time for that shit.

You are craving an embodied experience that will change who you BE in business, so you can hold your next level of initiations. 

We believe in efficiency over extraction. Minimum Effort, Maximum Satisfaction is not about pushing you to do more or be more. It’s about the sophistication of simplification, doing less, focusing on your point of difference and letting your body guide you. We are dedicated to helping you see your true-self and embrace your potential so that you can create effortless abundance in life and business with human design & astrology. 

You are craving Minimum Effort, Maximum Satisfaction.

And this is making you feel sick to your stomach that you've made a shit ton of investments into business strategies that really only deliver a consistent ROI when you're able to create flow within yourself, your own internal operating system AKA (your body, strategy & authority)

You feel like you should be able to succeed with the external strategies alone and it's kind of unfair that all the money (and hard work) you’ve invested isn't paying off by now.

The problem is, you've mastered all the external strategies: sales, marketing, and offer creation....and yet it's still not generating the "fook off" results you desire.

This is sure to rock the boat but…

A shiny multiple six and seven figure strategy doesn’t matter unless you are aware of what’s seething beneath it. 

At a certain point in business, it’s not about the 1,2,3 step process. Instead, you need to become aware of the subtle nuances of how you carry yourself within your business ecosystem. You need to remove the energetic leaks blocking your capacity to hold the income, impact and leadership initiations.


I am Kyla and I feel you my Queen.

A few years ago I hit a plateau in my business and I hired a TOP business coach to help me break through my income glass ceiling and continue to scale. (It makes me feel sick to think I have literally dropped over 100K on mentorship that left me basically in the exact same position.)

As someone who is second house dominant in my astrological chart (money, resources, value and worth) there is nothing that grinds my gears more than making poor investment decisions.

Most of the time I was being coached and advised to do things I already knew, duh! These cookie cutter approaches didn't take into account my strengths and uniqueness (human design & astrology) and were flat out unsustainable.
This epic failure motivated me to take a harder look at how to amplify my strategies with human design. Even though I was practicing HD in my everyday life, I wasn't applying this to the context of my own business. (Yes, this is super WTF)
What I discovered was that I was heavily in the not-self of my undefined emotional solar plexus.

I was saying yes to requests and demands to keep clients happy and avoid emotional discomfort. This resulted in overcommitment, burnout, and was a massive deviation from my goals. I was struggling to set and enforce personal and professional boundaries. This made me feel overwhelmed, taken advantage of, and there was a general lack of focus on core business activities. 

All of these patterns were costing me time, energy and money. Even if I executed my seven figure strategy perfectly, I had no capacity to HOLD the clients and expansion and I was asking the universe for!

You see the mind is the spokesperson for all the undefined spaces in your chart and oftentimes they are louder than your authority.

Every time you make a not-self decision, you end up using your energy incorrectly.

These spaces are not consistent within you, and therefore not sustainable. This is a recipe for burnout or even collapse. 

This is why for the last year or so I have been experimenting with the profit centers. What I realized is the more I emptied out my undefined spaces (on a somatic & nervous system level), the more I attracted effortless abundance & opportunities. Our revenue (and calendar white space) went up by 26% without changing the delivery or strategy at all. 

This is when I developed my unique Profit Potential Process.


Human Design integration is a TRIP but.....your ability to receive from peace, satisfaction, success and delight is directly proportional to your devotion to the human design deconditioning journey.

You will never ever get to make the money and impact that’s possible if you stay in the not-self realm. It’s only when you are wise about conditioning and you are following your own clear inner authority that you become truly magnetic and anchor in a YUM profit paradigm in your business.


The Profit Potential Process

In the first of its kind, the Profit Potential Process™ (PPP) is designed to help you somatically decondition™ your centers and anchor in the 64 archetypal themes so that you can receive abundance effortlessly via your unique material archetypes. There are three key elements to this one of a kind method that will have you dripping in pleasure and rolling in the dough. 

STEP 1: refinement


The second step in our three-step process is Deconditioning Profit Centers. This phase focuses on identifying and eliminating "not-self" behaviors—patterns and actions that distract you from making decisions aligned with your true self. By deconditioning these behaviors, you can align your external business strategies with your natural talents and create a sustainable, authentic, and easeful operations
  • Aligned Decision-Making: Make decisions that are true to your nature, leading to more consistent and effective outcomes.
  • Increased Authenticity: Elevate your business to reflect who you really are, attracting opportunities that resonate with your authentic self.
  • Reduced Stress and Burnout: Eliminate the stress and burnout that come from constantly operating against your natural inclinations.


The third step in our three-step process is Optimize & Regenerate. In this phase, we leverage planetary transits and astrological insights to determine the optimal times for various business activities such as launching, selling, marketing, and resting/rejuvenating. By aligning your efforts with both the astrological and Human Design charts, you can create a business coherence that is more congruent and results in easeful, effective sales. We finish the experience with a LUXE in person retreat in a faraway land for total mind, body, spirit regeneration.
  • Enhanced Timing: Conduct business activities at the most auspicious times, maximizing their effectiveness and impact.
  • Increased Alignment: Align your marketing and sales efforts with your unique astrological and Human Design profiles, leading to greater congruence and authenticity.
  • Balanced Workflow: Maintain a healthy balance between action and rest, ensuring sustained energy and enthusiasm for your business.
  • Easeful Operations: Experience more ease and flow in your sales and marketing processes, reducing stress and increasing success. can lead to more profound insights and personal growth.

Throughout our 12 months together, you will learn HOW to decondition—which is often an oversight in the community—while exploring all 24 of your planetary placements through the lens of both astrology AND human design. The deconditioning process (lasting change) takes time and a spacious approach.

This is categorically different and the first human design program focused on the art of receiving through the bodygraph. There are so many experiences out there that take a systemic approach which leads to intellectualization rather than embodiment. This defeats the purpose of the system. Human Design isn’t a labeling system. You don’t learn Human Design. You live it. And the more you live it, the more you create effortless abundance on every delish level.

The first step in our three-step process is Refinement. This phase involves conducting a comprehensive business model audit to streamline your offerings, eliminate inefficiencies, and align your business delivery with your unique strengths of your Human Design & Astrology. By doing less but with more efficiency, you'll have a leaner, more focused business model that is aligned with your point of difference for greater sustainability.


  • Increased Clarity: Gain a clear understanding of which offers truly serve your business goals and which ones detract from your success.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Streamline your operations to focus on the most impactful activities, reducing wasted effort and maximizing results.
  • Better Alignment: Align your business with your unique Human Design, ensuring you’re working in a way that supports your natural talents.
  • Sustainable Growth: Build a business model that supports long-term, sustainable growth without the constant pressure to do more.

  • You’ll experience greater efficiency and productivity, as you focus on what you do best.
  • Your work will feel more enjoyable and fulfilling, leading to higher overall satisfaction.
  • You’ll attract clients and opportunities that resonate with your unique strengths, resulting in sustainable, pleasurable income.
  • Your business decisions will be deeply aligned with your true self, leading to greater efficiency and impact.
  • Experience peace, ease, and satisfaction in your business operations.
  • Achieve multiple six and seven-figure success in a way that feels delicious and sustainable

Imagine a business that feels easy and rewarding. You are magnetic, making a significant impact while THRIVING in your health and well-being.


A 12 Month Mastermind for Rebellious Leaders Who Desire Sustainable, Spacious, Strengths-Led Multiple 6 and 7 Figure Creative Legacies 

Unlock Your Profit Potential


There are two enrollment tiers that you may choose from when enrolling in The Prodigy, both are outlined below. All members will also receive access to the Hatha Astro Human Design Paradigm certification material PLUS the Embodiment Lab Toolkit for the duration of their time inside the mastermind.

rich biotch tier

$15k investment

The Rich Biotch Tier is the base enrollment opportunity for The Prodigy with an optional add-on available at sign-up for The Prodigy Retreat.


  • 1:1 Human Design & Astrology Reading
    so that you can deep dive into your strengths AKA “jui jui”

  • Personalized transit guide
    so that you can optimize selling & launching (with ease) 

  • Nine monthly personalized recorded readings from Kyla
    catered to your human design, astrology and business needs

  • One custom “business model” audit for aligned adjustments
    so that you can create more efficiency and easeful receiving

  • Two monthly group calls with Kyla
    for individualized/customized feedback on your human design, astrology and business

  • One monthly group call with Co-Coach
    focused on somatic deconditioning for total integration and embodiment of your potential

  • One bite-sized content drop on the monthly profit center
    to learn your unique energetic codes and “money lines”

  • One bite-sized content drop on the monthly material archetypes
    so you can magnetize high vibe clients to you with ease

  • “Experiment” email for integrating the monthly content
    so that you can actually learn the “how” of somatic deconditioning

  • Group Telegram space for community support
    from an intimate group of other epic leaders & entrepreneurs

  • Access to all new masterclasses & mini courses
    (under $500) Hatha Astro Launches because you are a VIP in our world


  • LUXE in-person Prodigy Retreat (+2,222 at checkout)
    so that you can go on an epic journey to a faraway land *destination TBA* and meet your other prodigy sisters in the flesh.

$15K Pay in Full or
$1,290 Per Month (x12)

queendom tier

$23k investment

The Queendom Tier is the upgraded enrollment opportunity for The Prodigy.


  • Everything included within the Rich Biotch Tier
    (see full list of inclusions above)

  • Nine one-hour individual calls with Kyla
    to be used throughout the experience to help accelerate your deconditioning

  • LUXE in-person Prodigy Retreat in a faraway land *Destination TBA*
    so that you can go on an epic journey and meet your other prodigy sisters

$23K Pay in Full or
$1,950 Per Month (x12)

human design paradigm portal

Human Design Paradigm (HDP) is our foundational human design certification program. This portal will serve as an epic resource for uncovering and working with the human design system, charts, and more. You will maintain access to the HDP portal for the duration of your time inside the mastermind.


  • Type, Strategy, Authority:
    making aligned decisions & aura frequency

  • The 9 Centers:
    how energy operates

  • Deconditioning & Emptying Out: 
    releasing the "shoulds"

  • Chart Properties Deep Dive: 
    mechanics of the bodygraph chart

  • Profiles & Purpose: 
    the costume of your purpose

  • Mystical Marketing:
    business & marketing tips and tricks

  • The Planets: 
    the archetype of your imprinting

  • Connection Charts: 
    how energies unite in relationships

  • The 64 Gates:
    unique qualities and talents

  • The 32 Channels: 
    dharmic gifts and strengths

  • Variable Deep Dive: 
    where and how your mind & body thrive

  • Reading Charts: 
    synthesize the pieces and put it together

  • Astrology Basics (NEW!)

The embodiment Lab Toolkit

The Embodiment Lab is home to our signature four step process for somatic alignment. Through this process you will begin to witness and notice your not-self themes, rewire your nervous system into resonance with your true self, and reprogram your subconscious mind to your most abundant timeline. You will maintain access to the Lab for the duration of your time inside the mastermind.


  • Nine subliminal audios
    for the energetic centers so that you can “empty out” energetic leaks 

  • Not-self somatic meditation
    so that you can experience a felt shift from your not-self to true self in your body

  • Six audios on the human design environments
    so that you can learn unique ways to optimize your human design environment

  • Signature theme practice bank
    so that you are inspired by options that anchor you into your peace, ease, pleasure and delight

  • Signature theme somatic meditation
    so that you can wire ease, peace, pleasure and delight into your nervous system

  • Alignment practices for the aura types
    to go deeper into your human design type and how to fully integrate this into your rituals

  • Four short videos breaking down the three step process
    for alignment with the metrics of your design

  • Hypnosis to anchor in new receiving landscapes
    from 25K months up to million dollar years so that you can start to anchor in your six and seven figure dreams into your unconscious design

  • Metrics of alignment worksheet
    so that you have a visual aid to simplify your unique metrics of alignment

  • Metrics of alignment cheat sheet
    so that you can see a breakdown of this inaction

A sneak peek of how this will play out:

We dedicate each month to rewiring your profit paradigm on each center of the bodygraph. Because you are a busy person and value your time, we’ve created this with intentionality. Everything is digestible, bite -size, and easy to integrate.

The deconditioning process requires a spacious approach, which is exactly why this is a 12 month journey with three months off (December, April, August) for integration.

There is a reason our movement is minimum effort, maximum satisfaction!

September (Head Center)
Selling Inspiration & Rewiring Doubt & Uncertainty 

October  (Ajna Center)
Selling Certainty & Rewiring Looking For Answers

November (Throat Center)
Selling Manifestation & Rewiring Attracting Attention

Integration For Spaciousness

January (Identity Center)
Selling Direction / Love & Rewiring Searching For Direction

February (Heart Center)
Selling Proof & Improvement & Rewiring Unworthiness

March (Sacral Center)
Selling Balance Over Productivity & Rewiring Hustle

Integration For Spaciousness

May (Root Center)
Selling Freedom From Pressure & Rewiring Rushing The Process

June (Spleen Center)
Selling Health & Healing & Rewiring Holding On To Pain

July (Solar Plexus)
Selling Pleasure Through Emotion & Rewiring People Pleasing

Integration For Spaciousness / Retreat For Regeneration

You risk spreading yourself too thin, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.

Your efforts may become diluted, making it harder to achieve excellence in any one area.

You may feel increasingly overwhelmed and disconnected from the joy that inspired you to start your business in the first place.

Your business strategies may feel forced, reducing your efficiency and impact.

Constantly being "on" can lead to burnout, making you feel disconnected and crunchy in your business.

Income Plateaus: Without internal alignment, breaking through income plateaus becomes increasingly difficult.

Without actively deconditioning, you risk continued frustration, burnout and the potential of an energetic collapse.

Due to the intimate nature of this experience, there is a brief application process for those interested in enrolling in The Prodigy. This simply allows us to get a better understanding of you and your business, plus your unique human design and astrology so we can ensure an aligned fit for us and the mastermind sisterhood.

Submitting an application is NOT a formal commitment to the program.

Ready to take the next step?

If you’re wondering how this will go down, in addition to my personal experience here is a little more about me…..

  • Bachelor Business Management (Tourism)
  • Top Human Design Coaches of 2021
  • Certified Astrologer
  • Somatic School Certification
  • 2/5 Generator RAX Vessel Of Love
  • Channel Of Initiation
  • Channel Of Perfected Form
  • Channel Of Rhythm
  • Channel Of Surrender
  • Scorpio Rising, Sagittarius Moon, 0 degrees Aries Sun (Conjunct Jupiter)

As someone who is fire dominant (in the second house of money) along with my Aries Sun, Jupiter and North Node in the fifth house of creativity, fame and pleasure.....

I am here to take disruptive leaders on a journey of self-discovery that allows them to forge their own path to creating abundance that feels deliciously luxe. 

The leader who, like myself, is so passionate about what she does and is fed by creative enterprise but deep down is a rebel and rulebreaker and not here to fold themselves up into molds and shoulds.

She also values rest, having room for self-care, travel and exploration, and having joy and pleasure as the driving forces behind everything she does. 

With my channels, I am skilled at artfully initiating others into greater self awareness (channel 25-51) and helping them find their own rhythm, timing and flow (channel 5-15) especially in relationship to embodied marketing (channel 26-44) so that they can create unreasonable and extraordinary lives (57-10).

As a profile ⅖, I am designed to retreat from the spotlight periodically. And as someone who has hermit cycles, I have mastered creating a business model that doesn’t require me being “on” all the time. 

Not only is this dichotomy present in my own natal chart and business, but it also reflects YOU, the audacious CEO I'm calling in. The woman with whom I work best.


The Prodigy is not for you if you are brand new to business or don’t have a business yet. This program assumes you are at the $5-$10K months so we can hit the ground running. If you aren’t here yet, I might suggest The Art Of Distinction or Human Design Paradigm. 

Transform your business into a legacy built on minimum effort, maximum satisfaction. Optimize your energy, align with your true potential, and enjoy a thriving, sustainable, profit paradigm without hustle, force, or extraction. 

what others are saying

“The Prodigy was a portal to embodying my blueprint in my business on a deeper level and saying screw you to the "shoulds". One of the biggest tangible wins I had in this space was new clients. I had bigger launches. I took aligned action and it always, always resulted in new clients and more consistent income.

There were BIG intangible results was the connection to myself and my path. I can’t say this enough, I feel so much more embodied in myself and my design. Kyla gave me the freedom to express all of myself and live & work truly as myself. I no longer look for strategies anymore that are strict or don’t feel good. I really gave myself the freedom to empty my head a lot of “I should do” and experiment with “what feels good” or “what could I try.” I feel more confidence in being myself.

What surprised me was how much knowledge I gained from Kyla by being myself and leveraging this in my business. The way Kyla teaches is so easy and practical. She has SOO SOOO much knowledge. I love the way she coaches, and teaches. The examples she uses resonated with me so much. I really got profound human design & astrology knowledge but not at a head level — as an experience. This whole mastermind was an experience. I feel like I can also guide my own clients deeper into embodiment. This was another level that was so deep — not just “here is the paper of your design, have a nice life.

The most exciting moment was of course the retreat in Spain and meeting everyone in person. I loved the intimacy of the group — besties vibes even though everyone was soon different. But this is exactly what we all needed — witnessing the differentiation & individuality, we became more open and connected. The retreat was an experience of a lifetime, the cherry on top. Everything was done with pure love and intentions.

I loved everything connected to experience, the breathwork sessions, the guest speakers. Having access to the Human Design Paradigm here was many resources to consume as well on a practical level. Kyla was there for us. We could feel that she really cares on a deep level and does her best to empower everyone to shine.

I definitely recommend this if you are looking for a really profound astrology, human design and gene keys experience. Kyla is definitely the go to person. I would recommend to anyone who has a business who wants to align the direction even more or scale their income in a more natural way connected to their own design. Someone who wants to discover herself on the journey and express that in their own business & brand.”

LARA | 6/2 Manifesting Generator

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people will be in the cohort?

Due to the intimate nature of this experience, we keep the circle small. The past round had six members, however we did make some adjustments to this round to make it more scalable. We are anticipating 10 souls inside, BUT in the calls that include personalized & customized support (HOT SEATS) there will be no more than 4-5 people.

What days and times will the calls be held?

We will be sending out a voting application (doodle) to determine the days/times that suit everyone's timezone and schedule. Since this isn't a big group we anticipate accomodating to everyone!

When and where will the luxury Prodigy Retreat be hosted?

Once the doors close, we will be taking a “temperature check” to determine which month and location will be ideal. In past years, we have hosted on the island of Mallorca in the Spanish Mediterranean (where Kyla owns a second home.)

When does the mastermind get started?

Our official calls begin in September, however throughout August we will begin the first phase of the process which is the Business Model Audit. You will also be granted access to the Embodiment Lab and the Human Design Paradigm Certification. We recommend you get familiar with the Embodiment Lab process as it will be a cornerstone of The Prodigy experience. The transformation & alchemy will begin as soon as you say “yes.”

I am a busy person, how “on” do I have to be for this?

We are attuned to the fact that most leaders that step into this space value their time. As a result, we have crafted the delivery of this container with this in mind. Everything is very easy to apply and digestible. This is an embodied experience & high-level consulting and less of a “course.” That being said you do have the resources from Human Design Paradigm should you want more granular independent learning.

Also, as our movement is “minimum effort, maximum satisfaction” we have created 3 integration months for extra spaciousness. December, April, and August we will have no regular scheduled calls so you can rest, recharge and play!

Can I hop on and off the hotseats and multi-task if need be?

Everyone has a different learning style. For those that have an “active” brain in Human Design, they need to focus on one task at a time. For those with a “passive” brain, they need to be doing multiple things at once. We will never be offended if you have to jump off the call or if you are doing dishes while you join us.

What if I am new to Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys?

This is a wonderful way to dive head first into the language of these systems and elevate your embodied understanding. This is also the reason we include our foundational learning experience Human Design Paradigm!  

What if I am really knowledgeable in Human Design, Astrology, Gene Keys?

This is a wonderful way to dive head first into the language of these systems and elevate your embodied understanding. This is also the reason we include our foundational learning experience Human Design Paradigm!  

Will I become certified through Human Design Paradigm?

Yes, if you complete the HDP content and follow the certification process, you will be certified and be able to display a badge on your website. This will obviously be something you can thread into your own services, for more enriching client results. 

I am so keen but I am a little scared about the investment, I've been burned before:

We totally get how you might feel this way! (We've been here too.) This is why we believe so many people are now drawn to containers like The Prodigy with intimate, high-level, customized support. We aren't here giving you “copy & paste” formulas and instead focusing on your unique strengths (through human design & astrology) which is a recipe for success! Integrating personalized recommendations into your business will not only create more revenue & spaciousness but sustainability for year on year growth.

You will not regret this decision. This time next year when you are sitting on more spaciousness and overflow than you could have ever imagined — you will be laughing in the face of your retrospective fear. 

Why do I need to apply and what happens after I submit an application?

Due to the intimate nature of this experience, there is a brief application process. This simply allows us to get a better understanding of you and your business, plus your unique human design and astrology so we can ensure an aligned fit for us and the mastermind sisterhood.

Once received on our end, we will review your application and take a look at your charts. Kyla may follow up with additional questions and/or to connect further. If your application is approved, you will be sent a link to complete your enrollment and make it official!

Submitting an application is NOT a formal commitment to the program, but it is a required step in the process.