Ready to anchor in your most unapologetic expression in alignment with the strengths of your

human design & astrology for a brand message that oozes seduction

so you can take off your bra and watch your bank account skyrocket with ease? 

I know you’ve done all the work to show up unapologetically & fiercely own your unique voice. 

You know who TF you are and your expression feels more aligned than it ever has.

You’re ready to take that another level by claiming your desire to have a business that just works its magic without you having to be *on* or “consistent” all the time.

Basically, no more feeling chained to your socials 24/7 (ugh, especially when you’d rather be eating sushi & watching reality shows)...

In order to do that, you need to be able to *anchor in* and connect that authentic expression back to the unique gifts you offer in your work so that you can be the embodiment of what you teach and have premium soulmate clients signing on to work with you without you needing to hold their hand. 

You’ve been adding all these “pieces of furniture” to your ecosystem. Offers galore, photoshoots, team members, and the list goes on and on. And now you have all this stuff, nothing matches and you don’t know where and how it fits (which is obviously leading to fewer stripe notifications because your audience is a bit like “wtf”). 

And when you try to use your Astrology & Human Design to guide you, your brain gets even more fried, because there has to be more to your message than just your mercury gate, right? (I’m here to tell you there is!)

This makes you feel confused AF about what you want to be known for.  And you know that if you don’t know who you are, neither will your community. But somewhere deep down, you also feel an opening because your expanded body KNOWS you are on the edge of something HUGE.

the problem is,  you've done so much work on your expression that your energetic body feels ready and excited, but the rest of your brand doesn't match this.


The Art of Distinction

Having a clear brand message doesn’t need to be complicated.

What if it’s actually about the sophistication of simplification unlocked through the synthesis of your cosmic blueprints? 

ART is an 8 week immersion for creative leaders who want to anchor their unapologetic expression into a clear, compelling and hot AF brand message using their human design and astrology. 

This experience is different. It’s not about coming up with some arbitrary themes based on what is trending or what worked for someone else.

 It’s designed to help you leverage the potency of who you really are and translate that “jui jui” into an iconic (and concise) brand message with high-vibrational impact and influence.

Let’s elevate your brand and make your audience feel a deep sense of affinity to your art, without ever being able to put their finger on why.

what others are saying

Art of Distinction was the most beautifully expanding container. And Kyla was the perfect guide! She is the real deal- her ability to articulate human design so effortlessly and provide unique insights that have transformative effects was simply amazing!

The self-awareness gleaned from this course has provided the confidence and clarity to step up my personal branding game, and get out of my own perfectionist way, to be seen and recognized.

Within weeks of joining, I was seeing results- in my work, in my relationships, and I think all of that comes down to being unapologetically me and welcomed as my whole self. Having one safe space to explore suddenly opened up the rest of my world to do the same.


ART was exactly the program I was looking for and Kyla delivered the BEST experience I could have ever imagined.

As a business mentor I was looking for something that wasn't going to tell me "how" to be unique, but rather PULL my unique edge that was already there OUT of me & thats exactly what ART helped me do by integrating HD, Astrology, & Gene Keys.

I feel like I had new air breathed into me, my brand and my business, because now everything is dripping in ME, not someone else. Hands down one of the best programs I've ever invested in, PERIOD.


The experience inside ART, was like the foundational blank canvas of your business, with each stroke of the brush painting on each layer of your truth, authentic expression, calling in the RIGHT soulmate clients, remembering what makes you unique and leveraging that into everything you do... AND having the tangible tools and strategy to put it all into action.

The perfect balance of divine feminine and masculine energetics at work, synthesizing my human design and astrology in a down to earth way that brought so much clarity, ease and trust in my path forward. I feel SO confident in the direction my brand is moving and trusting that my uniqueness IS the magic of my brand!


By far one of my favorite, if not my fav, course from Hatha Astro. Kyla is brilliant. If only I would have had this course years ago!

ART has been instrumental in helping me rebrand myself, finally feel confident with my offers, launching my website & revamp my insta content… all in alignment with the truest version of myself. It’s been a cathartic coming home.

I encourage you to take the leap, you’ll thank yourself later!  


ART is a rich and unique programme that brings together the applications of Human Design, Gene Keys and Astrology to your business brand. Kyla is such an expert in these fields where she's able to synthesise things so accurately.

Doing this programme has led me to discover my USP, and also reaffirm my life's work and how I need to leverage my unique blueprint.


I can't say enough about the magic of Kyla. She brings the information together in a completely tangible way. SO many a-ha moments!

I've built a successful business but always had this underlying fumbling feeling and now I understand why. Being able to see my brand from this perspective has helped me shift my energy into alignment with my values. I feel like I can create freely and have complete confidence in what I offer and who I am.

Thank you to Kyla, for being an example of magnetism and teaching us how to embody our greatest gifts.


The ART of Distinction had me at Hello!! Before ART, I wasn't very clear, couldn't articulate the what and why and how of my brand or business, so I was at a point of being super frustrated (not good for this Generator). I knew what I needed to do in order to be more visible but I needed a little guidance and someone to pull me out of the cloudy funk!

I'm so over the moon that Kyla created this course and that I was able to join. Having access to Kyla was priceless, to pick her brain and get guidance when I felt a little stuck. I'm so grateful. This course has changed my mindset and flow and I have much more clarity and motivation to step more into my power.


When I first heard about ART, I was an instant yes - which is weird for someone with emotional authority, so I left it for a day or two but I knew I had to be a part of it. Working with Kyla and having her knowledge of HD & Astrology was incredible and I feel like there were so many amazing takeaways from this course.

I allowed myself to acknowledge and drop deeper into my natural gifts (highlighted through HD!) and it gave me so much validation about what I'm doing and that the way I'm doing it is so right for me.

I think that anyone who is questioning how their HD can help with their business should sign up immediately, following their authority of course. Recommend 1000x over.


I started ART knowing that it would transform how I spoke to my ideal client, and presented myself to the world.

But what I didn’t realize was how profound a shift I would have and how freaking excited and happy I would be with the result.

I now show up so much more confidently because I’ve gained so much clarity around my USP and I know how to talk about it.


I knew that in order to honor my design — without going against the grain of my body, energy & alignment to follow what “others do” to get their dream is the motherfucking medicine.

And in order for me to do that, I needed a clear message that consistently sold for me no matter how often I showed up.  

But this was easier said than done, because I am really good at a lot of shit. I felt like I had all these pieces to a puzzle that didn’t fit. 

This is when I realized, I can’t be put in a box and trying to fit myself in a “niche” just wasn’t going to work for me.

This is when I came up with my Magnetic Messaging Method. And straight to the up — it works. During my last launch, I ghosted for over a week, and had over 85 dreamy humans sign up. 

In addition to my personal experience, I have a Bachelor of Business Management (Tourism), I am a Human Design Specialist and Astrologer, and I am a Somatic Coach (in training).

Many moons ago, I worked as a Wine Rep for a large international import agency where I was the face of a multi-million dollar sales territory. What I learned during that time was that people didn’t buy from me because they were obsessed with my wines — they bought because they were obsessed with ME.

Hi, I'm Kyla and as a 2/5 hermit/heretic, I know what it is like to not want to be “on” or “visible” all the time. my hermit cycles can come without warning and the last thing I want to do is get on camera or create content.

an inside look at


We use your Astrology, Human Design & Gene Keys to determine the following:

  • Golden Thread (soul of your business)
  • The Prism (your highest vibe movement)
  • Messaging Matrix (value proposition, brand pillars, offers)
  • Hot Content (content pillars)
  • Visual Poetry (brand identity)
  • Visibility Vortex (unapologetic expression & the pivot)
  • BONUS: Sales & Seduction

step one:

step one:

step two:
MAGNETIC messaging

step three:
visibility vortex

alignment portal

First we are going to get crystal clear on the glue that binds through the synthesize of your Human Design & Astrology. I’m here to tell you that there isn’t “one thing” in isolation that makes up the layered, intricate, landscape of YOU. (No, looking at your Mercury gate isn’t going to unlock your most potent messaging.) We start by keynoting all the attributes of your human design, gene keys and astrology to get the big picture vision of who TF you are and the golden thread of your legacy and movement.

step Two:
Mystical Marketing

step one:

step two:
MAGNETIC messaging

step three:
visibility vortex

alignment portal

After we have determined what you are here to be known, loved and paid for we weave together key themes and use that to inform every piece of your brand message. We apply that differentiation to every facet of your brand so your online message is DRIPPING in everything you are about and you wake up to “bitch I’m obsessed with you, how do I pay you” DM’. Yes, even during your digital detoxes.

step Three:
Visibility Vortex

step one:

step two:
MAGNETIC messaging

step three:
visibility vortex

alignment portal

Your next level of visibility is calling you to double down on social nervous system regulation. This phase of the program is designed to rewire your social nervous system so it feels safe to GO BIG and expand your capacity to receive more (clients, income, opportunities) with ease so that you become the household name that you really are. 

Alignment POrtal

step one:

step two:
MAGNETIC messaging

step three:
visibility vortex

alignment portal

Because a beautiful, high vibrational brand & message starts from the inside out — it’s not enough to just “strategize.” . It's also becoming the living breathing embodiment of your most pristine frequency— so you become a magnet for everything that you desire to consciously co-create. When we are in alignment with our human design, we become an energetic match for our vision board reality.  

No one gives two fuckity fucks what you do. They care how you do it.

There are 200 million business accounts on the 'gram alone. This means there are tons of other Sarah Jessica Parker's doing exactly what you do. This is why it is critical you can illuminate your magic into a pristine brand message. 

here's what you will gain from this experience

Get crystal clear on your message so you can step into your next phase of leadership and expansion

Amplify your visibility so you can continue to grow your community of raving fans

Become irresistible to dreamy, premium clients so that your offers sell with minimum effort

Attract clients you desire to work with, repel those that you don’t so your containers are drama free and high vibe

Leverage your point of difference from the lens of your human design & astrology so you stand out as someone who offers something special

All of this will facilitate the growth of your ever-growing online empire, speaking on stages and total financial, locational and schedule freedom…

If you continue with sloppy, confused, random messaging, nothing “bad” will happen, but you probably won’t bust though your income plateau.

what others are saying

I started ART knowing that it would transform how I spoke to my ideal client, and presented myself to the world.

But what I didn’t realize was how profound a shift I would have and how freaking excited and happy I would be with the result.

I now show up so much more confidently because I’ve gained so much clarity around my USP and I know how to talk about it.


When I first heard about ART, I was an instant yes - which is weird for someone with emotional authority, so I left it for a day or two but I knew I had to be a part of it. Working with Kyla and having her knowledge of HD & Astrology was incredible and I feel like there were so many amazing takeaways from this course.

I allowed myself to acknowledge and drop deeper into my natural gifts (highlighted through HD!) and it gave me so much validation about what I'm doing and that the way I'm doing it is so right for me.

I think that anyone who is questioning how their HD can help with their business should sign up immediately, following their authority of course. Recommend 1000x over.


The ART of Distinction had me at Hello!! Before ART, I wasn't very clear, couldn't articulate the what and why and how of my brand or business, so I was at a point of being super frustrated (not good for this Generator). I knew what I needed to do in order to be more visible but I needed a little guidance and someone to pull me out of the cloudy funk!

I'm so over the moon that Kyla created this course and that I was able to join. Having access to Kyla was priceless, to pick her brain and get guidance when I felt a little stuck. I'm so grateful. This course has changed my mindset and flow and I have much more clarity and motivation to step more into my power.


ART was exactly the program I was looking for and Kyla delivered the BEST experience I could have ever imagined.

As a business mentor I was looking for something that wasn't going to tell me "how" to be unique, but rather PULL my unique edge that was already there OUT of me & thats exactly what ART helped me do by integrating HD, Astrology, & Gene Keys.

I feel like I had new air breathed into me, my brand and my business, because now everything is dripping in ME, not someone else. Hands down one of the best programs I've ever invested in, PERIOD.


Art of Distinction was the most beautifully expanding container. And Kyla was the perfect guide! She is the real deal- her ability to articulate human design so effortlessly and provide unique insights that have transformative effects was simply amazing!

The self-awareness gleaned from this course has provided the confidence and clarity to step up my personal branding game, and get out of my own perfectionist way, to be seen and recognized.

Within weeks of joining, I was seeing results- in my work, in my relationships, and I think all of that comes down to being unapologetically me and welcomed as my whole self. Having one safe space to explore suddenly opened up the rest of my world to do the same.


By far one of my favorite, if not my fav, course from Hatha Astro. Kyla is brilliant. If only I would have had this course years ago!

ART has been instrumental in helping me rebrand myself, finally feel confident with my offers, launching my website & revamp my insta content… all in alignment with the truest version of myself. It’s been a cathartic coming home.

I encourage you to take the leap, you’ll thank yourself later!  


ART is a rich and unique programme that brings together the applications of Human Design, Gene Keys and Astrology to your business brand. Kyla is such an expert in these fields where she's able to synthesise things so accurately.

Doing this programme has led me to discover my USP, and also reaffirm my life's work and how I need to leverage my unique blueprint.


The experience inside ART, was like the foundational blank canvas of your business, with each stroke of the brush painting on each layer of your truth, authentic expression, calling in the RIGHT soulmate clients, remembering what makes you unique and leveraging that into everything you do... AND having the tangible tools and strategy to put it all into action.

The perfect balance of divine feminine and masculine energetics at work, synthesizing my human design and astrology in a down to earth way that brought so much clarity, ease and trust in my path forward. I feel SO confident in the direction my brand is moving and trusting that my uniqueness IS the magic of my brand!


I can't say enough about the magic of Kyla. She brings the information together in a completely tangible way. SO many a-ha moments!

I've built a successful business but always had this underlying fumbling feeling and now I understand why. Being able to see my brand from this perspective has helped me shift my energy into alignment with my values. I feel like I can create freely and have complete confidence in what I offer and who I am.

Thank you to Kyla, for being an example of magnetism and teaching us how to embody our greatest gifts.


inside the art of distinction

here's what you will receive

  • 8 x Recorded Trainings / Call Recordings ($4,000 value)
    (so that you can digest the content in your human design ideal environment)
  • 8 x ART Workbooks ($500 value)
    (so that you can easily apply all the information from the trainings)
  • 6 x LIVE Group Calls with Kyla
    (so that you can ask questions and get LIVE feedback)
  • Online Learning Portal ($500 value)
    (with loads of goodies, cheat sheets and further reading & study including two Human Design textbooks)
  • Lifetime Access to Recordings + Resources ($1,000 value)
    (so that you can return to the materials and apply this to your other offers and sell those like hot cakes too)

plus instant access to

the alignment portal

(Over $3,000 value in hypnosis alone!)

  • metrics of alignment worksheet 
  • metrics of alignment cheat sheet 
  • nine subliminal audios for the energetic centers
  • not-self somatic meditation 
  • six audios on the human design environments
  • signature theme practice bank 
  • signature theme somatic meditation
  • alignment practices for the aura types 
  • four videos breaking down the three step process
  • hypnosis to anchor in new receiving landscapes from 25K months up to million dollar years!
  • ️NEWLY ADDED: monthly experiments to play with the human design centers


the art of distinction

enrollment now closed

Join the waitlist to be notified when our next round of ART becomes open for enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not very well versed in astrology and/or human design. Is this experience only for people who understand these modalities and know how to use their chart?  Will I be lost?!

You will not be lost! The Art Of Distinction is truly designed for anyone at any level. I've worked with many who had no knowledge of either system before. We provide examples for both seasoned veterans AND newbies to accommodate different levels. Plus, inside the LIVE calls you will receive individualized & customized support. AKA you can pick my brain and will have my eyes on your natal charts and body-graphs!

When will the LIVE calls be held? 

Once the doors close, we will provide a doodle poll, so you can vote on the days and times that suit your schedule and timezone. That being said, I am currently in PST (Vancouver/LA) and typically sessions tend to be in the morning. Don't worry, if you can't make it in the flesh, we will still answer all your questions! We provide a Q+A form prior to all the calls.

Will you be hosting this experience again in the future?

ART is here to stay, as it is one of my most results-driven experiences! However, I am changing my business model this year to be more "minimum effort, maximum satisfaction" and this program will likely become completely passive in the future. Although the investment level will remain the same, there will not be any LIVE access to me. If you'd love my insights, eyes on your charts, and to ask me questions — now is the time!

I am not sure if this is the right time to join.

Ultimately, you are the one who truly understands what aligns with your truth and I want you to make an empowering decision that is well-informed. I invite you to reflect on the following: Will postponing entry into the program support my long-term financial and business goals? What changes can I make in my approach to handling money and taking business actions that might shift my current experiences? If I believe there might be a "better time" in the future, what does that mean specifically? How will I recognize that moment, and is it feasible to reach it within the time-frame I envision without support? Take a moment to check in with yourself and notice which part is suggesting that "it's not the right time." Is it coming from a place of expanded awareness (your human design authority) or the not-self of your undefined centers in disguise?

What kind of results can I expect?

While the magnitude of your results is tied to your participation in the program, messaging is really THE ingredient that creates a pathway to more easeful and magnetic sales. This is the same process that I have implemented to recieve 100K launches from total pleasure and without hustle, force or extraction. You can expect a significant ROI (especially when you integrate the hypnosis for 25K months up to a million dollars years!)

I am super busy right now, I am in some other programs and not sure that I have the space.

The thing about messaging in resonance with your human design & astrology is it will actually amplify the results you have in your other containers. It's a tool that never goes out of style or "becomes redundant." What I hear from others who have joined this space is they actually look forward to the content and get excited for each drop to be released! That being said, you have lifetime access to the materials! 

Still have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.